KELLER Channel mapping

The KELLER IoT devices can have multiple types of connection as there are multiple use cases for many customers.

Connection Types

We differ between 13 connection types. Customer that know the GSMSetup-tool recognize them as “HW Connection Device Types”

Connection Types in GSMSetup

DeviceTypeId Device Type
0 RS485
1 RS485 & 2 Dig.Inp.
2 RS485 & Baro (P1-P2) & Dig.Inp. 1
3 RS485 & Baro (P1-PB) & Dig.Inp.1
4 RS485 & Baro (P1-P2) & Dig.Inp.1 & Volt Inp.
5 RS485 & Baro (P1-PB) & Dig.Inp.1 & Volt Inp. 1
6 RS485(x5) & Baro (P1-P2) & Dig.Inp1/2 = Counter Inp. & Volt Inp.
7 SDI12 & Baro & Digital Inp.1 & Volt Inp
8 RS485 (5xP1+TOB1) & Baro & Dig.Inp. 1/2
9 RS485 CTD & Baro (P1-P2) & Dig.Inp. 1 & Volt. Inp. 1
10 RS485 CTD & Baro (P1-PB) & Dig.Inp. 1 & Volt. Inp.
11 RS485 CTD & Baro (3x P1+TOB1+Cond comp+Tcon) & Baro & Counter Inp.
12 RS485 & Baro (P1-PBaro) & Modbus ABB Aquamaster
13 RS485 (2x(P1+P2+TOB1+TOB2)) & Counter Inp. & Volt Inp.

Depending on the chosen DeviceTypeId one has a different set of channel numbers (ChannelNumber). These ChannelNumber are again mapped to certain MeasurementDefinitionId ‘s which defines the physical measurement identification and unit.


What is a MeasurementDefinitionId?

This is an integer number representing a MeasurementDefinition and is, currently, between 1 and 54.

A MeasurementDefinition represent the physical unit. In other KELLER SW the “channel number” is used but because in the PressureSuite Cloud there are many different devices (ARC, ADT..) with various ways to connect sensors (“DeviceType” (or “Connection Types”)) it was settled on using a so called “Measurement Definition” that defines the measured physical unit.

MeasurementDefinition “PBaro” which is the “Barometric Pressure” inside an ARC1 or ADT1. It has an MeasurementDefinitionId of “7".
MeasurementDefinition “TBaro” which is the “Barometric Temperature” inside an ARC1 or ADT1. It has an MeasurementDefinitionId of “8".
MeasurementDefinition “TOB1 (4)” which is the temperature on the 4th attached probe. It has an MeasurementDefinitionId of “32".

There are also calculated MeasurementDefinitions. MeasurementDefinition “F” which is the “Water Depth” calculated from a pressure difference and other parameters. It has an MeasurementDefinitionId of “35".

MeasurementDefinitionId MeasurementDefinition
1 Pd (P1-P2)
2 P1
3 P2
4 T
5 TOB1
6 TOB2
7 PBaro
8 TBaro
9 Volt Inp. 1
10 Volt Inp. 2
11 Pd (P1-PBaro)
12 Conductivity Tc
13 Conductivity raw
14 T (Conductivity)
15 P1 (2)
16 P1 (3)
17 P1 (4)
18 P1 (5)
19 Counter input
20 SDI12 CH1
21 SDI12 CH2
22 SDI12 CH3
23 SDI12 CH4
24 SDI12 CH5
25 SDI12 CH6
26 SDI12 CH7
27 SDI12 CH8
28 SDI12 CH9
29 SDI12 CH10
30 TOB1 (2)
31 TOB1 (3)
32 TOB1 (4)
33 TOB1 (5)
34 E
35 F
36 G
37 mH20 (Pbaro)
38 mH20 (P1-P2)
39 mH20 (P1-P3)
40 mH20 (P1-P4)
41 mH20 (P1-P5)
42 Conductivity Tc (2)
43 Conductivity Tc (3)
44 T (Conductivity) (2)
45 T (Conductivity) (3)
46 P2 (2)
47 TOB2 (2)
48 AquaMaster Flow Rate
49 AquaMaster Pressure
50 AquaMaster Custom Flow Units
51 AquaMaster External Supply Voltage
52 Tank Content 1
53 Tank Content 2
54 Tank Content 3


ChannelNumber DeviceTypeId MeasurementDefinitionId
1 0 1
2 0 2
3 0 3
4 0 4
5 0 5
6 0 6
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 1 4
5 1 5
6 1 6
1 2 11
2 2 2
3 2 3
4 2 4
5 2 5
6 2 6
7 2 7
8 2 8
1 3 11
2 3 2
3 3 3
4 3 4
5 3 5
6 3 6
7 3 7
8 3 8
1 4 1
2 4 2
3 4 3
4 4 4
5 4 5
6 4 6
7 4 7
8 4 8
9 4 9
10 4 10
1 5 11
2 5 2
3 5 3
4 5 4
5 5 5
6 5 6
7 5 7
8 5 8
9 5 9
10 5 10
1 6 1
2 6 2
3 6 3
4 6 4
5 6 5
6 6 6
7 6 7
8 6 8
9 6 9
10 6 10
11 6 15
12 6 16
13 6 17
14 6 18
15 6 19
2 7 7
3 7 8
4 7 9
5 7 10
6 7 20
7 7 21
8 7 22
9 7 23
10 7 24
11 7 25
12 7 26
13 7 27
14 7 28
15 7 29
1 8 2
2 8 5
3 8 15
4 8 30
5 8 16
6 8 31
7 8 17
8 8 32
9 8 18
10 8 33
11 8 9
12 8 10
13 8 7
14 8 8
15 8 19
1 9 1
2 9 2
3 9 3
4 9 14
5 9 5
6 9 6
7 9 7
8 9 8
9 9 9
10 9 10
11 9 12
12 9 13
1 10 11
2 10 2
3 10 3
4 10 14
5 10 5
6 10 6
7 10 7
8 10 8
9 10 9
10 10 10
11 10 12
12 10 13
1 11 2
2 11 5
3 11 12
4 11 14
5 11 15
6 11 30
7 11 42
8 11 44
9 11 16
10 11 31
11 11 43
12 11 45
13 11 7
14 11 8
15 11 19
1 12 11
2 12 2
3 12 3
4 12 14
5 12 5
6 12 6
7 12 7
8 12 8
9 12 9
10 12 10
11 12 48
12 12 49
13 12 50
14 12 51
15 12 19
1 13 2
2 13 3
3 13 5
4 13 6
5 13 15
6 13 46
7 13 30
8 13 47
9 13 7
10 13 8
11 13 9
12 13 10
13 13 19


Let’s say DeviceTypeId 5 is chosen which is “RS485 & Baro (P1-PB) & Dig.Inp.1 & Volt Inp. 1”.
With the mapping above this gives us

ChannelNumber DeviceTypeId MeasurementDefinitionId MeasurementDefinition
1 5 11 Pd (P1-PBaro)
2 5 2 P1
3 5 3 P2
4 5 4 T
5 5 5 TOB1
6 5 6 TOB2
7 5 7 PBaro
8 5 8 TBaro
9 5 9 Volt Inp. 1
10 5 10 Volt Inp. 2

This is also visible through the API… Device Details of Device 1834 …the response is:

    "deviceId": 1834,
    "stationId": "GSM: +901405100488246",
    "measurementDefinitions": [
        "id": 11,
        "name": "Pd (P1-PBaro)",
        "unitId": 101,
        "isActive": true
        "id": 2,
        "name": "P1",
        "unitId": 101,
        "isActive": true
        "id": 3,
        "name": "P2",
        "unitId": 101,
        "isActive": false
        "id": 4,
        "name": "T",
        "unitId": 201,
        "isActive": false
        "id": 5,
        "name": "TOB1",
        "unitId": 201,
        "isActive": true
        "id": 6,
        "name": "TOB2",
        "unitId": 201,
        "isActive": false
        "id": 7,
        "name": "PBaro",
        "unitId": 101,
        "isActive": true
        "id": 8,
        "name": "TBaro",
        "unitId": 201,
        "isActive": true
        "id": 9,
        "name": "Volt Inp. 1",
        "unitId": 501,
        "isActive": false
        "id": 10,
        "name": "Volt Inp. 2",
        "unitId": 501,
        "isActive": false
    "note": "Luftfeuchtigkeitsüberwachung im Keller",
    "numberOfUnconfirmedAlarms": 0,
    "lastMeasurementTransmissionDateTime": "2019-08-07T10:03:18.8421797",
    "signalQuality": 16,
    "humidity": 53,
    "batteryInfoVoltageInVolt": 3.898,
    "batteryInfoCapacityInPercent": 98,
    "transmissionInterval": null,
    "saveInterval": null