☐ Communicate application and use cases to ‘KELLER sales person’
☐ Decide which sending technology works the best for the use case: LoRaWAN vs. 3G/4G vs. NB-IoT/LTE-M
☐ With cellular technology such as 3G/4G or NB-IoT/LTE-M:
Know your coverage with maps such as https://www.gsma.com/coverage (4G/LTE) and https://www.gsma.com/iot/deployment-map (NB-IoT/LTE-M)
Your mobile provider might show you a more recent coverage map
For a temporary storage between KELLER sending devices and PressureSuite Cloud an FTP account is needed. By default, you have to use an own FTP host by yourself. Exceptionally, KELLER can offer to host an FTP account but can not guarantee 100% accessibility
Consider using an IoT SIM card such as one from 1nce.com (Check if your county is supported using a coverage map and https://1nce.com/en/coverage)
☐ With LoRaWAN technology:
It is needed to have an own LoRaWAN infrastructure such as a ‘LoRaWAN gateway’ (or LoRaWAN compatible antenna from a mobile communication provider) and access to a ‘LoRa Network Server’ (e.g. ‘TheThingsNetwork’, ‘Loriot.io’ or ‘ThingPark/Actility’-portal from a mobile communication provider)
☐ Decide together with sales person which sensor/probe(s), cable length and remote sending device (ARC1 vs. ADT1) and its housing (Tube vs. Box vs. Box SB) is needed (See data sheets)
☐ Choose either ARC-1 or ADT-1
☐ Choose an appropriate housing: Tube, Box or Box SB
☐ Choose sensor / level probe depending on use case
☐ Decide together with sales person which additional accessories are needed (See data sheets)
☐ Try out www.pressuresuite.com and visits the documentation page https://docs.pressuresuite.com
☐ Understand the benefits, the features and limitations of the ‘PressureSuite Cloud’
☐ Even if an external cloud solution like the ‘PressureSuite Cloud’ does not fit the use case it might be a good idea to start with it to test the connectivity and verify the data transfer
☐ Read and understand the ‘Terms and Conditions’ for the PressureSuite Cloud EN / DE
☐ Decide if ‘PressureSuite Support team’ shall pre-configure and connect the device to the PressureSuite Cloud
☐ If yes: Give the order to ‘KELLER sales person’
☐ Finalize order with sales person
☐ When using cellular sending technology SIM-cards are needed. Due to legal reasons the customer has to buy the SIM cards
☐ When the devices have to be pre-configured and the SIM-cards do work in Switzerland (such as IoT SIM cards from https://1nce.com), please send them to your ‘KELLER sales person’. The SIM card/s will be inserted into the device/sand used for the configuration.
☐ Sign-Up on https://www.pressuresuite.com with a username and E-Mail address.
☐ Other users can also sign up and access the same measurement data if wished
☐ Use the username to login
☐ When forgetting the password the user can reset the password on https://www.pressuresuite.com
☐ When the ‘PressureSuite Cloud API’ has to be used to gather data to store them to a customer specific SCADA/DB then see https://docs.www.pressuresuite.com/cloud-interfaces/api/
☐ When customer decides not to use the ‘PressureSuite Cloud’ anymore and implement a known integration: See https://docs.pressuresuite.com/cloud-interfaces/iot-converter/
☐ When it is needed to change or replace devices / delete or manipulate data? Ask ‘PressureSuite Support Team’ (pressuresuite@keller-pressure.com)