The ARC1 cellular data communication protocol for GSM/UMTS/LTE

Here is the download link of the ARC1 cellular data communication protocol (GSM/UMTS/LTE): Version v1.00a (24-05-2018)

FAQ: How can I implement an own solution?

It is necessary to follow the protocol and its explanations.

FAQ: Which SW already supports and implements this protocol?

Two SW implemented this protocol:

  • The GSMDatamanager SW
  • PressureSuite Cloud backend SW

Right now, there is no open-sourced SW that uses the protocol.

FAQ: I don’t want to implement this protocol. What alternatives do I have?

  • Alternatively, it is possible to use the PressureSuite Cloud API and get the data automatized in a proper JSON format through.
  • It is also possible to use the GSMDatamanager and let it store data into a local MySQL database. Then implement a SW tool that extracts the data out of the MySQL database.