
The PressureSuite measurement file is meant to be a JSON file that has a structured and defined form in order to be used in various platform independent software tools. The main goal is to store measurement data and give information about the origin of the stored measurement data.
The PressureSuite measurement file is used by the ‘PressureSuite Desktop’-Software, the ‘PressureSuite Cloud’ Web App/API and the coming new ‘PressureSuite Mobile’ Apps (Android/iOS). The idea is that the data can (or will be) interchangeable between the products. It is now possible to export measurement data from the ‘PressureSuite Cloud Web App and open the file with PressureSuite Desktop.
This documentation helps to understand the file and makes an integration/transformation into other file formats or systems possible.

Example files

Basic structure of the JSON file

  "Version": 1,
  "Header": {
    "MeasurementDefinitionsInBody": [ 2, 4, 7, 8 ],
//.. more meta information
  "Body": [
      "t": "2023-11-22T16:19:13.804",
      "v": [ 0.02652109, 6.126587, 0.97132, 5.82 ]
      "t": "2023-11-22T16:29:17.802",
      "v": [ 0.02997284, 6.145645, 0.97147, 5.88 ]
//.. more measurements

The whole JSON file consists of three blocks

  • Version
    Shows the version number of the JSON schema which was the number 1 ten years ago still is 1. If we introduce breaking changes it would be version 2.
  • Header
    Shows a lot of meta information to interpret the measurements. The first information is MeasurementsDefinition which indicates which raw measurements channels are stored in the Body part. shows the mapping of the numbers to the physical channels. In the Header are also the calculation formula stored used to calculate values such as ‘water level’ out of the raw measurements.
  • Body
    Shows the list of raw measurements with a UTC time stamp (t) and the values (v).

Example: On 2023-11-22T16:19:13.804 UTC it was measured

  • value ‘0.02652109’ of MeasurementDefinitionId ‘2’ which is ‘P1’ (The first pressure which is for this type of level probe the pressure difference between the sensor pressure and the barometric pressure)
  • value ‘6.126587’ of MeasurementDefinitionId ‘4’ which is ‘T’ (Temperature Over the sensor)
  • value ‘0.97132[Bar] of MeasurementDefinitionId ‘7’ which is ‘PBaro’ (Barometric Pressure measured inside the ARC1)
  • value ‘5.82[°C] of MeasurementDefinitionId ‘8’ which is ‘TBaro’ (Barometric Temperature measured inside the ARC1)

Detailed file description


Name Description Example
t (Time) The time of the measurement in UTC “2023-11-22T16:19:13.804”
v (Values) The values of the measurements [ 0.02652109, 6.126587, 0.97132, 5.82 ]
Name Description Example
MeasurementDefinitionsInBody REQUIRED. The list of all MeasurementDefinitionIds [5, 8, 2] Use the mapping in to identify the correct channel
MeasurementDefinitionsInBodyAlternativeNames OBSOLETE. Should be null. The list of alternative names of the channels [“Water Temp”, “Air Temp”, “Pressure Diff”]
RecordId Unique Record Id “REC-10.2-157642023082308513220230824062552”
UniqueSerialNumber Based on Device-Type (eg. “REC-10.2” or “ARC-9.20”) and Serial Number (LoRa devices use the EUI instead the device number) “EUI-009D6B0000C5D33D”
SerialNumber Every device has a serial number “1234”
DeviceName The device name in PressureSuite Cloud this is “Eulach 10 - Winterthur”
DeviceType Each KELLER device type has its own number “30.05”
CreationDateTimeUTC The UTC time the file was created based on the system that created the file “2024-01-11T14:58:44.1999293Z”
CreationDateTimeDeviceTime The time the file was created based on the time in the device. Some don’t use UTC. “2024-01-11T16:58:43”
IanaTimeZoneName IANA Time Zone Name. See TZ identifier from “Europe/Zurich” or “CET” or “UTC”
FirstMeasurementUTC Should be the UTC time stamp of the first measurement “2023-08-23T08:51:32Z”
LastMeasurementUTC Should be the UTC time stamp of the last measurement “2023-08-24T06:25:52Z”
CreationOrigin Which SW created this file? This is an enum. 0=Unknown, 1=Script, 2=Logger4, 3=Logger5, 4=PressureSuiteDesktop, 5=PressureSuiteMobile, 6=PressureSuiteCloud, 4
IsBodyCompressed We might encrypt the body in the future. This is always false as for now. false
MemoryInfo Internal Memory Info - Which gives information about the location of the data that was stored inside the device’s memory “MemoryInfo”: {“SizeItem”: 25.6,“Size”: “25.6%",“HighPage”: 14,“LowPage”: 251,“EndHighPage”: 3,“EndLowPage”: 25,“PageCount”: 1047,“SizeRecord”: 4096.0,“RecordTextSize”: 8 }
CompensationSourcesInfo Information about the source measurements of the compensated channels. Sometimes Level Probes do not have access to the barometric pressure. With PressureSuite Desktop we can merge/interpolate the barometric pressure from other devices to make calculations possible. “CompensationSourcesInfo”:[{“SourceUniqueSerialNumber”:“REC-10.2-15764”,“GeneratedMeasurementDefinitionIds”:[7],“CompensationDateUTC”:“2023-08-24T06:28:52.6913177Z”},{“SourceUniqueSerialNumber”:“REC-10.2-15764”,“GeneratedMeasurementDefinitionIds”:[11],“CompensationDateUTC”:“2023-08-24T06:30:56.1798789Z”},{“SourceUniqueSerialNumber”:“REC-10.2-15764”,“GeneratedMeasurementDefinitionIds”:[7,11],“CompensationDateUTC”:“2023-08-24T06:36:26.4745526Z”}]
RemoteTransmissionUnitInfo Information for RemoteTransmissionUnits. This ConnectionTypeId indicates which channels can be measured by the sensors connected to the remote transmission device (sometimes called: DeviceTypeId). Range: 0-13. See or manual “RemoteTransmissionUnitInfo”: {“ConnectionTypeId”: 3 },
CustomAttributes Dictionary with various information. Eg. “RecordNotes is the note text to the device in the PressureSuite Cloud { “RecordName”: “CLOUD ARC-9.20-5 2024.01.04 15-01-11”, “RecordNotes”: “This is a note” }
WaterCalculationStoredInDeviceSettings MeasurementFileFormatWaterCalculationStoredInDevice “WaterCalculationStoredInDeviceSettings”:{“WaterLevelCalculation”:{“WaterLevelType”:34,“HydrostaticPressureChannelId”:11,“BarometricPressureChannelId”:0,“UseBarometricPressureToCompensate”:false,“Offset”:0.0,“Density”:998.2,“Gravity”:9.80665,“InstallationLength”:0.0,“HeightOfWellhead”:0.0},“OverflowCalculation”:null,“TankCalculation”:null}
ChannelCalculations List of calculations “ChannelCalculations”:[{“CalculationParameters”:{“HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId”:“11”,“BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId”:“0”,“CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId”:“34”,“Gravity”:“9.80665”,“Offset”:“0”,“Density”:“998.2”,“UseBarometricPressureToCompensate”:“False”,“From”:null,“To”:null},“CalculationTypeId”:1,“ChannelInfo”:{“ChannelType”:34,“MeasurementDefinitionId”:34,“Name”:“mH20 (E)",“Description”:"",“ColorCode”:"#8c45ef”,“UnitType”:3}}]


WaterCalculationStoredInDeviceSettings vs. ChannelCalculations

‘WaterCalculationStoredInDeviceSettings’ stores the water calculation that was configured on the device at the time of retrieving the measurement. This calculation will never be changed and is mainly to restore the original calculation.

The ‘WaterCalculationStoredInDeviceSettings’ will be duplicated and also stored in the ‘ChannelCalculations’, where the user can modify, delete or add additional calculations. All calculations in ‘ChannelCalculations’ will be calculated and displayed the calculations in PressureSuite Desktop.


Name Description Example
OverflowCalculation see ‘WaterLevelCalculation’
WaterLevelCalculation see ‘OverflowCalculation’
TankCalculation does not exist yet -> always ‘null’

Only one of the properties can have a value at a time, the other two will be ‘null’


        "WaterCalculationStoredInDeviceSettings": {
            "OverflowCalculation": {
                "BarometricPressureChannelId": 0,
                "Density": 998.0,
                "FormAngle": 1.0,
                "FormFactor": 1.111,
                "FormWidth": 0.0,
                "Gravity": 9.80665,
                "HydrostaticPressureChannelId": 2,
                "Offset": 0.002,
                "OverflowType": 1,
                "UseBarometricPressureToCompensate": false,
                "WallHeight": 0.03
            "TankCalculation": null,
            "WaterLevelCalculation": null
        "WaterCalculationStoredInDeviceSettings": {
            "OverflowCalculation": null,
            "TankCalculation": null,
            "WaterLevelCalculation": {
                "BarometricPressureChannelId": 0,
                "Density": 998.0,
                "Gravity": 9.80665,
                "HeightOfWellhead": 0.0,
                "HydrostaticPressureChannelId": 2,
                "InstallationLength": 10.0,
                "Offset": 0.0,
                "UseBarometricPressureToCompensate": false,
                "WaterLevelType": 35


Name Description Example
WaterLevelType Id of type of calculation (see enum ‘WaterLevelType’ below) 35
Density Density of the liquid (kg/m³) 998.0
Gravity Gravity (m/s²) 9.80665
HeightOfWellhead Height of the wellhead above sea level (m) 123.7
InstallationLength Length of the installation (m) 3.5
Offset Offset to correct calculated value (m) 0.02
HydrostaticPressureChannelId Channel Id of pressure channel to calculate water level (see MeasurementDefinitionId) 1
UseBarometricPressureToCompensate indicator if calculation should use ‘BarometricPressureChannelId’ to compensate for barometric pressure true
BarometricPressureChannelId Channel Id of barometric pressure channel to compensate (see MeasurementDefinitionId) 2


Name Description Example
OverflowType Id of type of calculation (see enum ‘OverflowType’ below) 1
Density Density of the liquid (kg/m³) 998.0
Gravity Gravity (m/s²) 9.80665
FormAngle Angle of cutout for ‘Thomson’ calculation (°) 95.0
FormFactor Form factor to account for flow rate of different shapes of wall (between 0.85 and 1.37) 1.14
FormWidth With of wall cutout for ‘Poleni’ calculation (m) 4.2
WallHeight Height of the wall cutout relative to the sensor 2.4
Offset Offset to correct calculated value (m) 0.02
HydrostaticPressureChannelId Channel Id of pressure channel to calculate water level (see MeasurementDefinitionId) 1
UseBarometricPressureToCompensate indicator if calculation should use ‘BarometricPressureChannelId’ to compensate for barometric pressure true
BarometricPressureChannelId Channel Id of barometric pressure channel to compensate (see MeasurementDefinitionId) 2

WaterCalculationStoredInDeviceSettings Enum descriptions

    public enum WaterLevelType
        HeightOfWater = 34,
        DepthToWater = 35,
        HeightOfWaterAboveSeaLevel = 36

    public enum OverflowType
        Poleni = 0,
        Thomson = 1,
        Venturi= 2,


CalculationParameter Description

Name Description Example
Offset Offset to correct calculated value “0.2”
Density Density of the liquid (kg/m³) “998.2”
Gravity Gravity (m/s²) “9.80665”
CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId Especially, when using multi-sensor measurementDefinitionId like 55-59 the target calculation might be another like 34-36. This information must be stored (see MeasurementDefinitionId) “34”
ChannelId “1”
HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId Channel Id of pressure channel to calculate water level (see MeasurementDefinitionId) “1”
BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId Can be null if ‘UseBarometricPressureToCompensate’ is “False”. (see MeasurementDefinitionId) “2”
UseBarometricPressureToCompensate indicator if calculation should use ‘BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId’ to compensate for barometric pressure “True”
InstallationLength “2.3”
HeightOfWellheadAboveSea “230”
WallHeight Height of the wall cutout relative to the sensor (m) “1.7”
FormFactor Form factor to account for flow rate of different shapes of wall (between 0.85 and 1.37) “1.11”
FormWidth With of wall cutout for ‘Poleni’ calculation (m) “1.4”
FormAngle Angle of cutout for ‘Thomson’ calculation (°) “90”
Area “2.2”
Width “1”
Height “22.1”
Length “1.4”
TankType “1”
From Time from when the calculation is valid. Can be null. “2022-12-11T07:55:25.7206325Z”
To Time until the calculation is valid. Can be null. “2023-12-11T07:55:25.7206325Z”

Required CalculationParameter per CalculationType

  • Unknown = 0,
  • HeightOfWater = 1
    • HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • UseBarometricPressureToCompensate
    • BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId [nullable]
    • CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId
    • Gravity
    • Offset
    • Density
    • From [nullable]
    • To [nullable]
  • DepthToWater = 2
    • HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • UseBarometricPressureToCompensate
    • BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId [nullable]
    • CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId
    • Gravity
    • Offset
    • Density
    • From [nullable]
    • To [nullable]
    • InstallationLength
  • HeightOfWaterAboveSea = 3
    • HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • UseBarometricPressureToCompensate
    • BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId [nullable]
    • CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId
    • Gravity
    • Offset
    • Density
    • From [nullable]
    • To [nullable]
    • HeightOfWellheadAboveSea
    • InstallationLength
  • Offset = 4
    • Offset
    • ChannelId
  • OverflowPoleni = 5
    • HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId
    • Gravity
    • Offset
    • Density
    • UseBarometricPressureToCompensate
    • WallHeight
    • FormFactor
    • FormWidth
  • OverflowThomson = 6
    • HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId
    • Gravity
    • Offset
    • Density
    • UseBarometricPressureToCompensate
    • WallHeight
    • FormFactor
    • FormAngle
  • OverflowVenturi = 7
    • HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId
    • Gravity
    • Offset
    • Density
    • UseBarometricPressureToCompensate
    • FormFactor
    • FormWidth
  • Force = 8
    • HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • Offset
    • Area
    • UseBarometricPressureToCompensate
  • Tank = 9
    • HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId
    • CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId
    • Gravity
    • Density
    • UseBarometricPressureToCompensate
    • InstallationLength
    • Width
    • Height
    • Length
    • TankType

How to calculate

For each data point in the ‘Body’ of the measurement file:

  • Look up the index of measurementDefinitionId in the ‘Header.MeasurementDefinitionIds’ (for both HydrostaticMeasurementDefinitionId and BarometricMeasurementDefinitionId)
  • Take the measurement values at the determined index
  • Insert the CalculationParameters and the previously determined values into the according formula
  • Repeat for each measurement value in the ‘Body’


"ChannelCalculations": [
                "CalculationParameters": {
                    "BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId": "0",
                    "CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId": "35",
                    "Density": "998",
                    "From": null,
                    "Gravity": "9.80665",
                    "HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId": "2",
                    "InstallationLength": "10",
                    "Offset": "0",
                    "To": null,
                    "UseBarometricPressureToCompensate": "False"
                "CalculationTypeId": 2,
                "ChannelInfo": {
                    "ChannelType": 35,
                    "ColorCode": "#2196f3",
                    "Description": "",
                    "MeasurementDefinitionId": 35,
                    "Name": "mH20 (F)",
                    "UnitType": 3
                "CalculationParameters": {
                    "BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId": null,
                    "CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId": "34",
                    "Density": "998.2",
                    "From": null,
                    "Gravity": "9.80665",
                    "HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId": "2",
                    "Offset": "0",
                    "To": null,
                    "UseBarometricPressureToCompensate": "False"
                "CalculationTypeId": 1,
                "ChannelInfo": {
                    "ChannelType": 100,
                    "ColorCode": "#8c45ef",
                    "Description": "",
                    "MeasurementDefinitionId": 100,
                    "Name": "mH20 (E)",
                    "UnitType": 3
                "CalculationParameters": {
                    "BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId": null,
                    "CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId": "36",
                    "Density": "998.2",
                    "From": null,
                    "Gravity": "9.80665",
                    "HeightOfWellheadAboveSea": "0",
                    "HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId": "2",
                    "InstallationLength": "0",
                    "Offset": "0",
                    "To": null,
                    "UseBarometricPressureToCompensate": "False"
                "CalculationTypeId": 3,
                "ChannelInfo": {
                    "ChannelType": 100,
                    "ColorCode": "#3f51b5",
                    "Description": "",
                    "MeasurementDefinitionId": 100,
                    "Name": "mH20 (G)",
                    "UnitType": 3
    public enum CalculationType
        Unknown = 0,
        HeightOfWater = 1,
        DepthToWater = 2,
        HeightOfWaterAboveSea = 3,
        Offset = 4,
        OverflowPoleni = 5,
        OverflowThomson = 6,
        OverflowVenturi = 7,
        Force = 8,
        Tank = 9
    public enum UnitType
        Unknown = 0,
        Pressure = 1,
        Temperature = 2,
        Length = 3,
        Conductivity = 4,
        Voltage = 5,
        Volume = 6,
        Density = 7,
        Acceleration = 8,
        Angle = 9,
        Flow = 10,
        Force = 11,
        Area = 12,
        Unitless = 13
    public enum CalculationParameter
        /// <summary>
        /// Especially, when using multi-sensor measurementDefinitionId like 55-59 the target calculation might be another like 34-36. This information must be stored
        /// The calculation is a default calculation, that has a calculation parameters for eg 34 but this property shows that it corresponds to one of the multi-sensor channels.
        /// </summary>


HeightOfWater = (HydrostaticPressure - BarometricPressure) / (density * gravity) + Offset

DepthToWater = InstallationLength - (HydrostaticPressure - BarometricPressure) / (density * gravity) + Offset

HeightOfWaterAboveSea = HeightOfWellheadAboveSea - InstallationLength + (HydrostaticPressure - BarometricPressure) / (density * gravity) + Offset



  "Version": 1,
  "Header": {
    "MeasurementDefinitionsInBody": [ 2, 4, 7, 8 ],
//.. more meta information
  "Body": [
      "t": "2023-11-22T16:19:13.804",
      "v": [ 0.02652109, 6.126587, 0.97132, 5.82 ]
//.. more measurements

we know that the pressure difference is ‘P1’ as this seems to be a relative sensor which already compensated with the atmospheric pressure. The pressure difference is ‘0.02652109'.


"ChannelCalculations": [{
        "CalculationParameters": {
            "HydrostaticPressureMeasurementDefinitionId": "2",
            "BarometricPressureMeasurementDefinitionId": null,
            "CorrespondingMeasurementDefinitionId": "34",
            "Gravity": "9.80665",
            "Offset": "0.02",
            "Density": "998.2",
            "UseBarometricPressureToCompensate": "False",
            "From": null,
            "To": null
        "CalculationTypeId": 1,
        "ChannelInfo": {
            "ChannelType": 100,
            "MeasurementDefinitionId": 100,
            "Name": "mH20 (E)",
            "Description": "",
            "ColorCode": "#8c45ef",
            "UnitType": 3

The calculation type (CalculationTypeId = 1) is ‘HeightOfWater’.

We use the formula HeightOfWater = (HydrostaticPressure - BarometricPressure) / (density * gravity) + Offset

HeightOfWater = (0.02652109 [Bar] * 100000 [factorize to SI unit Pascal]) / (998 [kg/m^3] * 9.80665 [m/s^2]) + 0.02 ~= 0.291 m

Load data using C#
